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Alexandra Chapman

Day 5 - Skiing with UNCLE PETER!!!!

We had hoped to have a day skiing with Uncle Peter during the week between Christmas and New Years while Ian worked. But it turned out he had gotten sick. It didn't stop being on Magnus' mind though. A frequent request was to ski with Uncle Peter. Well the day (or night) finally came.

We lent the Camery to Peter, so he was able to drive right to us at 2:50 just as I was coming home with Emery from school early release on Wednesday. We all drove together in the Rav to pickup Magnus from daycare right after naptime at 3:00 and we took off the mountains. Magnus was so excited!

We had a chatty car ride with both kids calling from the back, "Uncle Peter!?" ...

"Yes" he'd patiently and consistently happily reply.

Then whichever kid had initiated shared whatever was on their mind.

Peter was so good with the kids.

By the time we got up to the pass I had fed the kids bagels, bars, squeezies, whatever they would eat. They were a little punchy (Magnus in particular) getting gear on.

But once we got out on the snow it all started to click. Peter and Emery took off on Daisy for a few runs. I tried to get Magnus doing his run along side the magic carpet area. Before long, Peter switched out with me to spend time with Magnus and I got to do a run with Emery. It was my first run of the night and it took me a minute to get my boots adjusted right. Emery was non-plussed with my slower pace. Magnus had really made some awesome progress with Peter and was so confident to do his little run. (I left my phone in the car - it was almost out of battery, so we have Peter to thank for all photos and videos).

Both kids were pretty tired, so we headed to the lodge.

Magnus kept calling the lodge "the house".

"Can we go back to the house?"

Magnus also liked the clocktower and was excited to go see it again.

While I went to the lodge with the kids, Peter was able to get a couple runs in on his runs of choice. When he got back, Emery wanted to do one more run. I took that time to get Magnus' diaper changed and gear packed up, so when they came back we were ready to go.

It was a beautiful night. The roads had been bare when we arrived. The snow had started to fall again, but it had been really lovely (in the 30s). We were so grateful Peter tagged along, both for being our snow driver and for enabling a awesome night with the kids. So glad Magnus got another night out on the slopes.

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