Magnus joined us for day 3. While much else was streamlined from the two days before, the added Magnus element still took us to 10:30am to get out. Today was a rainy day. Hopefully that would translate to powder snow in the mountains.
When we were just getting on Hwy-522 Cai realized he did not bring his extra diabetic supplies bag. He wasn't due to need a site change for another day or two. So we carried on. It was a fun car ride.

Once we were at the pass, parents got their gear on first, handing out gear to kids. As soon as we were all dressed, Cai told us that he was low on insulin. Without his supplies bag, this was a problem. He said he had 10 units left. A couple minutes later with skis in hand ready to walk over to the slopes Cai's pump notified him it was completely out of insulin.
FULL STOP. Regroup.
We decided I would try to have a day at the slopes with the littles and Ian would drive Cai back home to get everything needed.
Ian helped me get Magnus and gear to the lodge. I invested in a locker for all the activity stuff and extra snacks. We got out to the snow for as long as we would be able to manage it.
Emery asked if she could ride the lift alone. I wasn't so sure, but she was really confident. Some teenage boys tried to skirt past Emery as she was pleading with me to let her go and they knocked her skis wiping her out. They apologized and helped her up and from their guilt I knew they'd be great lift buddies for Emery to tag along with to get up Daisy. From there on out Emery independently made friends with people in line and always had a lift buddy.

The rainy day below was in fact a snowy at the slopes and it needed it.
Magnus and I hung out below watching Emery do run after run. I tried to carry Magnus up along side the magic carpet area and then let him ride down. He was doing great. He kept saying he wanted to go up higher, up Daisy where he was seeing everyone come down. So we got on the magic carpet, but once up he wasn't so confident to go down.

We regrouped with Emery shortly after. She was ready to have some lodge time. We got chips and hot chocolate from the cafe and relished in the dry.

After a little bit, Emery was eager to get back out on the slopes. By now we were all confident with her ability to make friends in line and have a buddy to ride with and have a happy ski down. It was starting to get dark. We had heard from Ian and Cai that they were well on their way back and should be arriving within the hour.
While Emery skiied a few runs Magnus and I played in the snow seeing other kids building snowmen in the same area.
After a few more runs Emery came and joined us to play in the snow. Then figuring Ian and Cai were close to arriving we went back to lodge for a bathroom break and rendevouz.
Ian and Cai walked in about 10 min later with some additional unexpected news. When they were getting their skis out of the sky box, the key broke off in the lock before they could open it. We found out from the service desk that there is a locksmith(ish) person on site who could help. 15 min later we found out they only help unlock cars, not skyboxes.
I had left my skis down by Daisy thinking I would get a run in once Ian and Cai arrived with their skis in hand. By this time it was late and I was spent. I walked to Daisy to grab my skis. We packed up and headed home. fitting our gear in the back.
What a day...
Still a day in the mountains for me.
Magnus's first ski day.
Probably Emery's best ski day yet with all her independent skiing.
Ian mentioned he found his good driving hwy 2 back and forth.
Lots to be grateful for...
